モレキュラーデバイス SpectraMax MiniMax 300 プレートリーダー


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MiniMax 300 イメージングサイトメーター
※SpectraMax i3xのオプションです。


SpectraMax MiniMax 300 イメージングサイトメーターによる画像取得は、SpectraMax i3xによる通常のマイクロプレートの
取得画像内の細胞はSoftMax Pro ソフトウェアによって認識され、細胞ごとの統計データも得られます。


・StainFree 細胞検出アルゴリズム
StainFre 細胞検出アルゴリズムにより、細胞や核を染色せずに、明視野画像を用いた細胞のカウントや

画像取得は3 つのチャンネルまで選択できます。それぞれのチャンネルで解析が行えます。


The SpectraMax MiniMax 300 Imaging Cytometer supports a multitude of cellular imaging applications, including:
  • Cell counting
  • StainFree cell counting
  • Cell proliferation
  • Cell viability and cytotoxicity
  • Marker expression
  • Apoptosis
  • Mitochondrial toxicity

Cell Count/Viability

  • CHO cells were plated in 2X dilutions starting from 32000 cells/well in a 96-well plate
  • Cells were then stained with Calcein AM dye and counted

Top: The cell counting module of the SoftMax Pro Software MiniMax Imaging Edition displays segmentation mas
of the image (left), selected cell-by-cell measurements (middle), and a histogram of objects by average intensity (right).
Bottom: The software allows user to graph cell counts of serially diluted CHO cells.

Cell Proliferation/Cytotoxicity

  • Hepatocytes were treated with known compounds causing liver toxicity
  • Proliferation/toxicity effects assessed by measuring total cell area

Top: Heat map of hepatotixicity experiment demonstrating dose-wise response to four compounds (blue low area cells; red high area cells).
Bottom: After image analysis, the software plots results and fits the curves to determine IC50s (red aflatoxin 1; green aflatoxin 4; blue staurosporine; purple mitomycin C).
iCell Hepatocytes from Cellular Dynamics International.

Marker Expression

  • HUVEC cells were pre-treated with anti-inflammatory compounds and then cultured in the presence of inflammatory cytokines
  • Stimulated protein expression was measured by total integrated intensity

Top: Expression of VCAM protein on cells activated by inflammatory cytokines.
Bottom: Total integrated intensity of adhesion molecules expresse
in the presence of anti-inflammatory compounds (blue SB202190; red SB203580).
